In a certain village, there was a woman who had two children. The father of the children had died sometime back. As a result of famine, their family lacked what to eat. So, they decided to move from one place to another in search for food. As they moved through the forest, going to the neighboring village, the young child who could walk by herself, saw fruits on the tree that was in the middle of the forest. She ran and climbed the tree, then she started eating the fruits. The mother asked for some mangoes from her, but the little girl refused. When the mother realized that the little girl was unwilling to share the mangoes with her, she got angry and left her on the tree. “I’m going. You will find me ahead” said the mother, and the little girl was left in the forest alone.

After the mother had gone, an animal was passing by and saw leaves from the mango tree falling. When the animal looked up, it saw a young girl sitting on the tree. The animal then asked the little girl what she was doing there. “I have been with my mother, so when I started picking the fruits, I refused to give her, then she felt annoyed and then left, “said the girl. “Come down, and let’s go together”, invited the animal. She came down and then the animal put the young girl into a bag it had and continued moving searching for food.

Along the way, the animal found some farmers who were in the garden, and it requested for some food to eat. The farmers asked the animal to first sing for them. “Only that?” inquired the animal, “Yes” agreed the farmers. The animal shook its bag and commanded the young girl who was inside to sing. The young girl sang well, and farmers gave them food. The animal continued looking for food. It reached another group of farmers and asked them for food. They too asked the animal whether it could sing for them. “Yes, I can,” said the animal. It again shook the bag for the girl to sing and the girl started singing. But as the girl was singing, one of the farmers heard the voice and it seemed like her daughter and told the animal, “You have sung well, can you repeat, and we add you more food?”, the animal said, “Yes I can”. The girl sang again, and the mother recognized her voice. She then told the animal that “we are going to give you a lot of food if you can go bring water from the nearby dam”, and the animal accepted. They gave it a leaking pot to fetch water. So, as it fetched, the pot couldn’t get full because the pot leaked. The farmers did this so that the animal can delay at the dam and to rescue the girl from the bag. The animal got annoyed and went back to tell them that the pot leaked. The farmers replied that “we can still give you food because it’s our mistake”. But they had already removed the girl and put a stone inside the bag. It was given food and it carried the bag thinking the girl was inside. When it reached the market, it opened the bag to realize that the girl had been removed. Seeing the stones, the animal wept because they were heavy and made it feel a lot of pain.