Story shared by NSHUNGU SEBAGABO

Long ago, in a certain village, there was an old man who had three sons. One day, he called them to have a word with them. Their father took three long sticks, and then tied them together with a rope. He gave them to his first son to break them, but he failed. He again gave them to the second son, he also failed to break them. The third son, likewise failed. Then their father untied the sticks and gave each stick to each child and told them to break. The three sons immediately broke the sticks. Their father told them that, “that’s how you will be broken if you don’t unite and work together for your future. Because am getting old, I might not be with you for the rest of your life. Always unite like those sticks that were tied together and no one can break them because they are united.”

Lessons learned by children

Have a team spirit Help each other