The New Motorbike


I’m Daniel. I work in Nakivale Refugee settlement in Uganda’s southern region with Focusing Initiatives International.

Nakivale Refugee settlement is situated on 185 square kilometers of land.  Before we started the BETTER WORLD FOR KIDS (BW4KIDS) project, it was very difficult to travel between different places in the refugee settlement area. My colleague and I would squeeze into a crowded taxi with eight other people for a 2- to 3-hour ride over a bumpy dirt road. 

Thanks to Focusing Initiatives, we were able to purchase a brand new heavy-duty motorbike for the BW4KIDS project. We can travel a more direct route over trails that the taxi cannot navigate.  Now the two of us take only an hour to reach our destination, which means we have more time and energy to spend working with the children. 

BW4Kids brings together elders and children so that they can interact. The children listen to traditional stories told by the elders, learn about their own cultures, and have the chance to play. The elders gain through participating in  meaningful social activities that break their sense of isolation in the harsh conditions of the refugee camp. 

As the program grows we will share stories about how the program impacts everyone involved.